Everybody Supports Women(原始MV)
發行時間: 2023 年
觀看次數:181,432次 首播日期:2023年9月2日
如果你也是跟我一樣在IG看到SOFIA ISELLA抖音上表演的Everybody Supports Women
Everybody Supports Women這首歌裡面有很重的貝斯,SOFIA ISELLA獨特空靈的聲音,每一字一句都是在跟你的心靈對話,而且是有一支骨頭手抓緊你的喉嚨的讓你窒息的聆聽!
"Everybody Supports Women
Everybody supports women until a woman's doing better than you
Everybody wants you to love yourself until you actually do
It was something about her hair
So perfectly fallen
She was nice and smart and funny and got everything she wanted
And she does charity
Isn't that the most obnoxious thing you've heard
Her popularity
She's too pretty for her own good
She's probably self-centered
We hate her and she's nothing
If everybody leaves her
Then she had it coming
Is there anything you'd like to put on the record?
You know
While everyone is listening?
I would like it to be known that I'm not like her
I'm mocking her 'cause I'm not like her
I'm not like those girls who are not like those girls
I love doing makeup, I don't mock women like her
I'm not like her
As soon as she hits it, I'm kicking her out
She's had enough of the love and I'm bringing her down
Everyone together on the count of three
One, two
You're mundane, we agree
Your ambition is swallowable if you tell the story right
Say that you hate yourself and self criticize
But if we smell desperation on your neck and face
We'll drag you across your own public stage
We burn her name in the back
Anything with her name attached
Her newspaper's in the trash
I just keep thinking man
What a waste
What a shame
I was starting to like her
But now she got great
We'd never hate her to her face
But I hope she knows
She knows she knows she knows
I don't like your tone
I don't like how much you've grown
It's so boring to not be yanking muscle off of a woman's bone
Everybody hates the, everyone hates the un-relatable
And I love to place two of 'em in the arena of the public's eye
And try and get 'em to fight about something dumb and we pick sides
'Cause staring at her too long made our life look like muted pastels
We'll love you if you just make us feel better about ourselves
And what a waste
What a shame
I was starting to like her
But now she got great
We'd never hate her to her face
But I hope she knows
She knows she knows she knows
And what a pain
I watch us spit her name while she's turned the other side
We never told it to her face
But I think she knows, she knows she knows she knows
Everybody supports women til a woman's doing better than you
Everybody wants you to love yourself until you actually do
It was something about her hair
So perfectly fallen
She was nice and smart and funny and got everything she wanted
And she does charity
Isn't that the most obnoxious thing you've heard
Her popularity
She's too pretty for her own good
She's probably self-centered
We hate her and she's nothing
If everybody leaves her
Then she had it coming
Everybody supports women until a woman's doing better than you
Everybody wants you to love yourself until you actually do
It was something about her hair
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